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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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the egyptian president flees his palace after tens of thousands of protesters attempt to seize the building after battling. nato agrees to deploy missiles on turkey's border with syria despite warnings from russia that it will further destabilize the volatile conflicts and. the un calls on israel to open up its officially atomic arsenal for inspection and join the global nuclear nonproliferation treaty. and speaking exclusively to colombia's rebels being forced to fight for peace as the government keeps. on going.
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around the world on screen online international news and comment live from moscow the egyptian president mohammed morsi has been forced to flee his car openness by protesters demanding an end to his rule according to sources close to the leader police have struggled to keep crowds from storm in the building and to gas protesters true witness the massive demonstration. i just came from the presidential palace where as we arrived at the presidential palace we were attacked by police with tear gas quite a lot of a tear gas it was very strong and i do believe that the president has in fact left the palace although unsure exactly the reason why he did leave the groups and i could see that. there were families protesting i actually saw one mother carrying his son who was probably no more than seven years old. out of it to ask you to
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collapse so they're still there right now tens of thousands of them chance against the president in front of his palace as well as here in tahrir square and the people are not backing down and what people are saying and it was written on the palace is that this is the final warning that people are giving him one last chance to back down on his power grab to perhaps on top of this constitution which why do people see is illegitimate in chords and written by dominated assembly and really put things right for the nation however we shouldn't underestimate that there are people here in egypt who do want him to remain in power however it's hard to tell the numbers you know about just how strong they are because they're very organized in these rallies they tend to bus people in addition there has been a lot of dissent from key sectors like the journalist indicates he went on strike today as at least eleven different look this is going to put eleven different newspapers went on strike today in addition to the judges as well so he's facing pressure from different sectors as well as people on the streets to really it's yet
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to be seen how strong this opposition is and whether they are actually going to push to the end and ask him to leave office bill true talking to the lady her nati and spoke to human rights activists she must tell me who told me the protests in egypt a relapse into the country's uprising last year. i think that we have reached. a sad state of polarization between different factions here there are lots of islamists who are also causing the muslim brotherhood and what they're doing in addition to the liberals and leftists. so you're saying israel factions all elements of society involved in those protests that was saying well yes to some degree i can say this but still it's not the opening of the general population. we had also close to scamming to support morsi is decreed in different parts of the of the country in addition to the protest that are opposing him your human rights activists what are you worried about now in present day egypt how different are
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things since mubarak went are you still campaigning avidly there are still major concerns that are happening in egypt well i found it getting the ever present i was concerned with the military trials for civilians and the detentions and abuse and torture cases that activist activists in winter through from the beginning of the uprising and children essentially on their rights level i think that. it has the situation has not changed that much from it something is how that she should course but it's not what we have been expecting in two years you can see that we have had their evolution and finished it's. at the moment the opposition camp includes revolutionaries who are not satisfied with the muslim brotherhood in addition to antic revolutionaries who are also against the muslim brotherhood. so i don't want to call this the second wave of the revolution or
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a second revolution it's it's a continuous you two well we have a started already back in generally two thousand and eleven. nato foreign ministers of approved the deployment of patriot missiles in turkey and grown also its alliance partners for the weapons after several deadly cross border far incidents with syria is now telling of a is that the nato headquarters with the latest. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov says that turkey is seriously overestimating threats coming from the syrian border that every time information appears in the media that syria is relocating its chemical weapons and is ready to use them against rebels the russian double checks that information and every time receives reassurances that this is not the case and the person bashar assad has said to himself many times that he's not planning such a scenario for his country chemical weapons will not be used however the secretary general of nato rasmussen says that even if this is the case even if ceres not intending to use chemical weapons against its own people still nato has the right
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to protect its ally turkey from any potential threats that's becoming from the syrian border russian president vladimir putin visit of istanbul on monday where he said that's once again russian doesn't support bashar al assad or his regime but putting pressure on just one side of the conflict is not going to resolve it and it's a biased solution and sending patriots suits erkki is going to do exactly that is going to put pressure on president bashar al assad and not all the opposition groups in syria and what needs to be done really is all sides of the conflict should be. added to go she table and discuss the future of the country without international interferences. inside syria state media reports the rebel mortar attack on a school in the damascus suburbs killed twenty nine students and a teacher is the latest incident of collateral damage in the conflict that has
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allegedly claimed hundreds of lives in the past few days alone the syrian government maintains it's fighting terrorists armed and controlled from abroad as your times correspondent says the point of patriot missiles in turkey is designed to further intimidate damascus. every massacre that happens anywhere even in the suburbs of damascus we know these are people there who feel treated by islamists gains as well and sometimes these are perpetrated by these women gangs themselves supported by saudi arabia some by cats or look just the support by turkey buying weapons in the black market the in the middle east and as far as ukraine as we already know we have to analyze the future of missiles at the border with the latest high why do usually you and me u.s. officials off chemical weapons mean that what about ourselves are just completely absurd hi can you say that they are right that mixing the components the components are mixed when you already have
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a weapon already loaded with this components which are kept separate and then the chemical reaction in south happens inside the missile after it has being wrong still nobody is mixing any sink at them with what we really speculate but with a certain degree of reason is that big they get moving some of these chemical weapons so they won't be captured by some of this is not missed gangs in fact at beechwood. let her head over specially consider that the syrian army would never launched missiles across the border against their kids because they know they will be attacking a nato ally and. israel is under pressure from the u.n. to open up to the world the nuclear also denies even exists an overwhelming vote the general assembly approved a resolution urging the country to another inspections of its atomic facilities on these ports new reports. this one in the past has never opened its facilities in fact the israeli government has never gone on record publicly stating that it has
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nuclear capability they will sponsor is always been no comment but of course it is widely assumed and widely understood that israel has a nuclear program particularly in the south of the country in donna what we're hearing now is a resolution that has been overwhelmingly passed by the united nations general assembly and this calls on israel to quickly open its nuclear facilities to international inspectors from the international atomic energy agency the resolution was passed with one hundred seventy four in favor six against and six abstentions and essentially it's calling on israel to join the non proliferation nuclear treaty not as of yet it is off for countries who do have nuclear arms but who are not recognized by those from on proliferate proliferation treaty these resolutions of the united nations are not legally binding but they are important because they reflect world opinion and they certainly carry political weight so this is something that will make television sit up and take notice what we've witnessed
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ever since the palestinians went to the united nations last week and will recognize that with increased status is a strong reaction from the israeli government the israeli prime minister netanyahu unarmed that he was approving some three thousand new sick no hope in this essentially an area known as the one which is in these two recently member west bank and it does mean that these two areas will be cut off from each other the international criticism came harsh and came quickly we're not hearing that australia is the latest country to summon its ambassador to talk to him over this latest israeli move this doesn't follow announcements by force and bush and sweden that they were considering recalling of their own have bassett is over this announcement from tel aviv we've since heard from paris that they are not going to record an investor but that is still on the table and to quote the french ministry all options are available britain has also said that it's waiting to see how. talks will go before the finances with the solution but certainly there has been
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a lot of international condemnation it hasn't as of yet been any official israeli reaction talking to israelis on the ground many believe that this was a move by the time you know who the head of jennie's parliamentary election is to try to curry favor and gano votes within the domestic market iran claims have captured an american drone in its airspace the scan eagle aircraft was a pretty conducting a reconnaissance flight when it was seized but the u.s. responded saying all of its unmanned planes are accounted for university of tehran professor say of mohammad marandi says washington is responsible for heightening tensions. the united states is that we haven in a very hostile manner towards iran the very fact that drones are cars and they going over iranian airspace the americans are carrying out. psychological warfare against iran they've shut down the iranian central bank preventing iran from even importing medicine some people have died because of a shortage of medicine in iran because of the sanctions that the e.u. and the united states have imposed on the country that hurt them more than anyone
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else because it shows how aggressive western countries are behaving this heightened tensions because this forces iran to behave more aggressively towards the united states and its allies because it sees such actions as a potential threat the only reason why american drones could be in iranian airspace is for them to carry out surveillance operations against iranian targets. the life here in moscow still to come this british big brother newbuild the son triggered indignation over online privacy violations just ahead stay with this break to come .
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for instance on t.v. dot com. news continues here on in britain a new bill designed to tackle crime by using information stored in cyberspace is already being branded by many of violation of privacy. explains what kind of them but cations the law would bring. the way it would work if paused is that the police and security services would have unbridled access to your internet data by obliging mobile phone service providers and internet providers to store that internet history your data for a year and now the government say that it's a necessary move in order to safeguard the public and to fight crime that's being organized through the internet increasingly such as that extremism and paedophile rings but civil liberties groups are up in arms about it they say it's an in and infringement of your civil rights they've called it the snoopers charter and we hit
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the streets of london a little bit earlier to talk to the general public about what they thought of the prospect of the government being able to snoop in on that e-mail history of their web browsing history and their social networking history let's take a listen to what they told us how would you feel about the police having access to internet search history not so good without more concern i think something like gave my concern i wouldn't mind seeing right to privacy just. would not be happy for i would mind but only if it was authorized by a magistrate on a very condition i think you have to have control of one area of your life or let them in one area or just they have access to areas that i am secretary to reason may she's behind the draft bill and she's been lobbying it quite aggressively and some critics saying in rather a bizarre fashion actually she said in an interview with the sun criminals terrorists and paedophiles will want m.p.'s to vote against this bill whereas
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victims of crime police and the public will want them to vote for it and it's a question of whose side you're on now i've got mick pickles who's the director of civil liberties group big brother watch in the studio here with me now nick here's something to you on are all the people opposed to this legislation criminals terrorists and paedophiles. the home secretary suggests no it's politically ridiculous to say that everybody oppose this bill for those categories there are people from every political party senior law enforcement officers technical experts so i think it was a very crude argument of all the help everybody from the home secretary but we've got interpol saying that cyber crime is now one of the fastest growing criminal activities on the planet i mean the government's right for looking for some sort of solution to this growing problem well in the big thing about this bill is if you're looking for a needle in a haystack you don't solve a problem but it looks more we should have
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a new powers but they should be used against individuals known operations what this bill proposes is that everybody in the country's behavior is monitored and we're all treated as suspects or there you have it a very quiet some virtual idea from the home office and one that might not go down too well with the rest of the government we've got reports that deputy prime minister nick clegg is preparing to oppose it because of the prospect of infringement of civil rights here in the u k. india has announced it's ready to deploy its navy in the south china sea to protect its oil interests the concerns were caused by accusations from vietnam that china is interfering with shipping and oil exploration in the area with beijing building up its military the sea is at the center of a five nations scramble for influence and control india does not lay any territorial claims but its national interests are tied to the seas vast natural resources professor of international affairs charlie says that he's keeping a firm grip on its national interests. what is true what you know all
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these deals in your interests are not confined by your grocery it's quite global and so china sea off the coast of vietnam in your state owned company has invested over two hundred million dollars already for exploration it's seen as a beleaguered but necessary move by the indian military to be able to see that if our interests are now so widespread then be grounds for me to show our capabilities to defend our interests and of course the situations on china see as been deteriorating in terms of security and high level of competition and bickering between some r.c.m. countries and china and since vietnam is one of the contenders for these disputed territories and india has a relationship with that expanding we have to look at this. you know we love
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in this context. for each of the. people. i see. are all part of a larger opposition. on the. resources and song. some other news in brief now protesters have again hit the streets of bahrain demonstrators in the northwestern village of did as being throw molotov cocktails at passing cars they were demanding sunni religious introduced democratic reforms and provide more jobs rights and opportunities and in the capital manama government forces used tear gas against a rally close to where an international human rights delegation was visiting bahraini authorities have been cracking down on activists for almost two years with around eighty being killed and thousands put behind bars. to rescue has died while trying to save people on board a cargo ship that sank in a heavy storm off the coast of istanbul the vessel was carrying call from russia to
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the turkish port of antalya and the captain of another cargo ship struggled to retain control of his vessel just hours after the first one sank at least three people been killed and ten others and now missing in the two incidents. a devastating typhoon are slammed into the southern philippines killing at least seventy four people and forcing almost fifty thousand from their homes rescue work is being hampered by power cuts and roads blocked by landslides and fallen trees the storm has reportedly we can and is moving to the northwest. the painstaking search for peace in colombia continues with the latest round of negotiations between the government and fog rebels recommencing on wednesday because she come amid the deadliest military raid against the armed opposition since talks began in october the colombian president says an agreement must be reached by next november at the latest and as to keep military operations it clear that if the rebels disarm they'll be given
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a path into politics during an exclusive interview to r.t. a top official admitted they do want peace but of being forced to fight for it. curan how on earth are gravel some colombian officials holding talks trying to hammer out a peace deal letting america's fiercest drive also and their first attempt to put an end to the fifty years old conflict is his claim to more than half a million lives and the sole woman at the negotiating table is dutch fighter time yet no meyer she left her alone to join fired ten years ago to fight what she calls social justice and has become a symbol of their revolution struggle that is spoke exclusively to our t.v. in the fields t.v. interview she in the new talks launched we have not taken the arms because we want it so we have to open the arms because the colombian state and the united states imperialism have obliged us compel us to do so that's a that's one very important thing to keep in mind. we as an armed organisation
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have always wanted dialo we have always wanted peace we have always asked for peace the prospects for success during the negotiations in how are not mediated by cuba and norway are fragile these saturday they call them in army launched a bombing offensive killing twenty rebels this was fired in and sing a unilateral cease fire and turn it told me that with people being killed for their views it's unfair to blame them for. people who were in colombia want to fight for ideas different than the neo liberal ideas are killed so how is it possible to participate in politics if people who are other ideas i kill and that's the reason of the armed struggle in colombia that's the reason why we are still fighting donna told me fark is not sponsored by the other religion american countries they spied such claims from the west and also commented on scandal cost to ensure diary was founded by the colombian army and was made public gets the full
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interview here on r.t. it's coming your way on wednesday. if you live here moscow still come the german hattrick is on the wall just to come yet another term of german chancellor look at what her reelection would mean for the eurozone. plus the growing divide in us society an online pro separatism movement is going to support of close to a million americans. just turned twenty five minutes past the hour in the russian capital time now for the business update with katie katie a china has now overtaken the u.s. as the leading trading partner in the world it's right it's official now and it's one of the most dramatic things in terms of economic changes that have happened since world war two so it really is quite significant and we're going to be asking bill why what's behind it what's behind the growth and what's going to happen ten twenty years time you promise to have a child or indeed there are yeah well they've got an aging population that's
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probably one of the most important factors they face so you and it will all after the break of the business but it's a record if it's not. tucked in between the russian mainland japan and the suckling island is the island of minute on named after french seafarer who discovered it it is described as the pride of the sakhalin region we'll take a look at what's in store for us here. until two thousand and four the island was part of the borders own and was completely restricted to visit is now the speech u.s. place is open to tourists unique plants and animals are its top attraction. treaty has been exploring the deaths of the world seas for several decades but it's
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here at more your own island where he has finally found what he'd been looking for . the water here is very clear the visibility is very good and the underwater world here is extremely rich i've been to many diving locations across the planet including the island of bali but mine are on top of my list while some go to the cycling region to enjoy the sights others convert the islands nature's riches into a healthy dollar it is home to the biggest seafood processing factory in russia the tonight shock hundreds of thousands of tons of fish get caught in the nets too late to produce delicious salamon caviar almost unnecessary attribute of any feast in russia the owner of the enterprise says a good fishing season can bring in more than a hundred million dollars net profit. and to a large extent this is old to do what suckling offers environmentally the tonight show operates in only and natural habitat and mild climate unique natural sights
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and delicious seafood succulent can offer a diverse holiday for those who are not afraid to travel ten thousand kilometers from europe. the question is whether this distant blond would ever be able to become a major tourist destination. cultures that so much different i think you should be finishing the paris on the mark my
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words would seem like a fantasy only two years ago could become a reality very soon with a strong sense of identity and spread across the middle east because. i think. that welcome to business china has the pulse of us as a leading trading partner in the wild and done it in just five years the two biggest economies in the walls have now switched places in terms of trade now back in two thousand and six the u.s. was a lot just four hundred twenty seven contras the us is seventy for china the latest figures show china is now the largest for one hundred twenty four countries they trade with with just seven.


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